About Banking Courses in India

Whether you do a regular course or a diploma course, once the course is complete, you can start looking for jobs in both the public sector as well as the private sector. Banks regularly advertise jobs in newspapers and employment weeklies. The Reserve Bank of India and other nationalized banks hire banking professionals in clerical positions and Grade A and Grade B officers. There is a preliminary test held for these posts after which the candidates are selected for interview and discussion. Government banks hire banking graduates as Probationary Officers. There are other fields of banking too where jobs are available for banking graduates. These include Merchant Banking, Investment Banking, Treasury and Forex Department, Department and Foreign Exchange, etc. In private banks, the scope is even wider with banks hiring on positions such as credit control managers, corporate banking executives, relationship managers and customer care executives.

Outside India also, job opportunities for banking graduates are tremendous. Many international banks hire qualified professionals for various profiles on competitive salaries. Foreign banks operating from India also hire banking graduates. Thus, banking courses have become very popular in the recent past and more and more students are opting for such courses. They open up an array of opportunities for young graduates willing to make career in this lucrative field.

The Basics of Investment Banking

There are always entrepreneurs that are looking for cash inflows to help them grow their business and take it to the next level. There are also people that have surplus cash that they would like to grow by means of investments. Investment banking is simply facilitating the transfer of money from the investors to the entrepreneurs. In very simple words, it links one to the other. Investment banks help to bring in cash resources and then distribute it to those who are seeking the funds for their business interests. But that isn’t all that the banks do. They also include asset management for those who are too busy to manage their assets themselves. Generally investment banking services include facets of asset or portfolio management, tax management and other legal formalities related to wealth management.

They act as financial adviser who gives you relevant advice on matters pertaining to growing and managing your wealth. These might include matters like mergers and acquisitions, restructuring to gain better profits and so on. Investment bankers generally focus on initial public offerings or IPOs. They also focus on large share offerings, either public or private. They keep their focus on large companies, though – rather than small or medium level companies. Because they focus largely on fully grown, large scale companies, the banks don’t really bother with trade financing. Large scale companies as well established and don’t really require such services – if trade financing is what you want, then you want to turn to merchant banking instead of investment banking.

These services can be either fund based or fee based. You would do best to avoid people who may be getting commissions from investment houses – you have no guarantee that the advice they offer is the best for your money. This is where a good deal of research is required before moving on to hiring an investment banking services provider. Make sure that you thoroughly look into the background of the provider, and pay attention to how successful their advice has been to other clients. You would be handing over the responsibility of handling your wealth to others, it is the least and sensible advice. Remember, you need to make sure that you don’t start taking advice from random strangers about your wealth. This means that you need to know that the profession you hire is, in fact, a professional – and a successful one, at that. Doing your research before you hand over responsibility will save you a great deal of regret later on.

Most Frequent Investment Banking Interview Questions

Agustin Valecillos here.
I’d like to tell you about the top 3 most frequent questions in Investment Banking interviews so that you can prepare the answers, impress the interviewer and land the job. I my 7 year career as a Vice President in a Bulge Bracket Investment Bank I have seen many excellent candidates fail and I want to help you avoid it.
The first one (and these are in no particular order) is how do you calculate an options’ delta?
This is one of the more technical ones you may be asked it during a sales and trading interview but maybe not if you are applying for a corporate finance role.
I would answer “An options’ delta can be calculated in 2 ways, either with the Black Scholes models or numerically”.
By differentiating analytically the formula you can get the sensitivity of the option price to the underlying asset, and that is your delta. Numerically, you can just bump the underlying up or down by a given amount (this method is technically called “finite differences”) and you can figure out how much the option price changes by.

The second question is “why do you want to work for us”?
Every time you get this question you should be jumping up and down out of happiness in your mind. I can guarantee you will get this 99% of your interviews and it’s one of the most important questions overall in an interview. So prepare for it and make sure you have an outstanding answer. Don’t just prepare an answer, prepare and outstanding answer. It needs to be outstanding. Get it?
I usually structure my answer in 3 bullet points, from the most to the least important. Make sure every bullet point has a statement and proof with example from your CV of the statement. One day I may put together a stand-alone piece on how to answer interview questions, but that’s a different topic to itself.

The last most frequently-asked question is “Estimate the annual demand for car batteries in XYZ country”. Now, this one may surprise you and seem completely impossible if you haven’t come across this type of questions before. They are also very frequent in consulting interviews. The end figure you come up with doesn’t matter, no-one (not even the interviewer) knows the answer for that matter. This is all about checking you are a logical thinker. On this one think out loud, don’t think just in your head. You are getting the question wrong if you are just trying to come up with a number in your head.
The population in XYZ country is about 100 million (if you really don’t have a clue, just assume) and assuming there is a car every 2 people, that is 50 million cars. Let’s say an average car needs to have the battery replaced every 5 years, that’s 20% of cars needing a new battery every year. So that’s 10 million batteries. You could also add something about new cars, etc.
If you found this insider information helpful, make sure to get my free report, 5 Reasons Why Good Candidates Fail Investment Banking and Other Interviews.
Its free and it contains 5 of the biggest causes for why great applicants fail to land their dream investment banking job over and over. Just go to http://ww.bankinginterviewsuccess.com. See you there!